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Please send us a message if you have a question,
a problem with your order, a comment, or a
compliment (we like those).

10920 Roselle St #106
San Diego, CA 92121


Zumbar Coffee & Tea is a boutique coffee roaster in San Diego.  We have retail cafes in Sorrento Valley and in Cardiff.  The quality of the beans we source and our artisan approach allows Zumbar to craft some of the finest coffees in Southern California.



V60 Tutorial

1. Weigh and grind coffee according to your recipe.

2. Thoroughly wet your filter, then discard the water and zero your scale.

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3. Gently transfer your ground coffee to the filter, double checking your ground coffee weight. Gently shake or tap the side of your V60 until your grounds are flat and even.
Zero your scale again.

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4. Start a timer counting up from zero.

5. Using water at about 203 °F (or about 30 seconds off the boil) wet the grounds at about three times the ground coffee weight, e.g. if you are using 20g of coffee, use 60g water. Do this by quickly pouring from the center to the outer edge in a circular motion, being sure to evenly wet all your grounds, then immediately stirring the grounds with a small spoon. Stir gently, just enough to break up any clumps. You should be done stirring at about 20-25 seconds.

6. At 35-40 seconds, begin pouring in a circular motion, from the center to the edge. Once the slurry is even, rapidly pour the remaining water (according to your recipe) into the center. You should be done pouring by about 1:15 on your timer.

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7. Upon finishing the pour, immediately stir the slurry. Stir once or twice more as the slurry drains.

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8. The coffee should finish draining between 2:25 and 2:45. If it drained too quickly, use a finer grind, if too slow, use a coarser grind.